Skid steer side work

Any ideas for weekend work with a skid steer? I’d like to buy one to work our land but I’d have to earn some income with it to justify the purchase. I ran one for a couple of years doing construction. I was thinking about doing land clearing, light grading, and junk cleanup/demo.

Fencing and post driving may also be an option. I’ve been doing that by hand for years.

I was thinking that I’d need to charge a minimum $50 an hour with it but probably closer to $75. People are cheap in my area but I can’t see mobilizing any more than 30 miles away if I can’t make $500+ gross for the day.

I have not checked costs in a while but I believe the depreciation on the machine is $15 an hour just for running it. Fuel is probably up to $10 per hour now. Not to mention maintenance, insurance, and the cost for attachments. I’d charge a mobilization fee to cover travel. It just looks like a tough sell in this area. Lots of cheap people.