full of 💩today!

i accidentally watched her whole snap story like a train wreck you can’t look away from and she was on a ROLL today! 1. gigi’s birthday gifts - the way she essentially said “i got her a really good gift last year so she’s getting all this literal nonsense from me this year” and being sure to mention gigi couldn’t afford the bag but SHE could 2. “im not a doctor but here’s my advice for quitting smoking” and holds up an energy drink? i love alanis but i wouldn’t recommend to a large teenage audience to replace one addictive substance with other?!? 😭i drink plenty of caffeine but like that is awful advice to give to young people??!!! 😭 3. i noticed her shorts were unbuttoned before she said it and then she talked ab it and proceeded to wear clothes that DO NOT FIT HER like girl just change you’re suffocating and for what? so you can say you’re an xs? again, horrible message to impressionable young girls! fucking lunatic 4. when she said she was “cooking tacos” and said she didn’t look up how to do anything as if it’s impressive to dump seasoning packet in a pan??? 😭 i could go on all day but holy moly she is such a delusional mess