The Double Standards.
Sorry, for the title, I couldn't really think of anything else that was a good enough title that felt right. Same with the tag, I didn't know what this feel under.
To what I'm want to talk about is the common talk about the double standards with how people view Mineta. With many of yes defending him saying that if he was better looking, not as many people would have a problem with that. Personally, I do think that is a good point, even in real life, the more conventionally attractive people can get away with things without being called creeps. One of the things I do want to bring is how often do fanfics for Mineta actually bring up the double standard.
I've made a post about how it is much better to talk to him on how to behave and how his behavior is problematic instead of just kicking him out of the school or beating him up whenever he does his usual thing. After a talk with someone who actually sits down and explains to him what he's doing is wrong, I think I've seen only 2 fics that bring up on how Mineta would defend his behavior and make it seem that he thinks other guys are doing the same thing or if any of the other guys went as far as he did, none of the others would have any problems with. I have this headcanon that Mineta's past has it filled with people who had these double standards, calling him a creep for looking at them, but when a hunk shows up and does the same thing they will be all over him not even 5 minutes later. Even Mineta's family is filled with good-looking people who don't act much different than him yet aren't ever called terrible perverts or hated by their peers.
I do think that someone really sat down with him and call him out on his behavior, Mineta might just think it's more of this bias against him. He's been told this talk before, but the difference is that when others in Mineta's past have said it, it was more of a 'Know your place, Shrimp. You're not tall enough or cool enough to have girls want to let you touch their boobs! Stay in your league'.
Mineta does believe that in his mind, Girls will call his behavior creepy, but if Kaminari or Izuku started doing it, they would see it as flirting which is something I do think Mineta also sees his behavior is. That's for a later post because this one is already long enough, and I've rambled too much.
What do you guys think?