3arc stop bringing back Amalgams

The map loses so much personality bringing back a dead horse that no one liked. Visually it’s very impressive. Gameplay wise it’s atrocious. No one wants it Treyarch. It’s had it’s day. I know you’re listening to the community which I’m very grateful for. You have done an amazing job with feedback. But surely you’ve heard the complaint from us about Amalgams and also vermin. I know you can hear us.

They are not fun to face, they’re not difficult. Amalgams are just plain tanky and boring. Why do I have to unload two loads of my gun just to dispatch one and not feel satisfied. Seriously change them or forget them. I know incantations exist to dispatch one, buts that just a Band-Aid fix and not the topic. Thy have had their time.

I swear if you bring back every Special zombie for every map I will be very disappointed. It’s just not a good asset. It kills the mood of the map that has been crafted with love.

Ps. Think twice before bringing back mule kick and tombstone for season 3 and 4. Think how it will go down. I don’t think in any game I have thought to myself “I’m going to grab mule kick or tombstone as my first or second perk”. If they weren’t well received in previous instalments, what will change it in this instalment.