Things I Learned on the Directed Mode Nebula Grind.
I'm done, I have 3D 22H of play time in zombies. I did however do both easter eggs early and by myself before going for Nebula, so maybe take off roughly 10 hours and the rest is grind time.
- If you are just going straight into it for the first time, go straight to round 15. all you care about is crit kills at this point so just go round 15 and sit on the roof of the bank in the corner and headshot away.
- Once you have had enough always save and quit so you dont have to restart the game from the begining with no money, its nice having what feels unlimited money and scrap to instantly put your next weapon to pack 3 and legendary.
- if you do go on the roof of bank dont open the back zipline that goes to the bowling alley the zombies will spawn behind you.
- The most infuriating part of the entire grind is the mystery box. it would be a big waste of time getting a gun done and restarting with the next one the best way is to spin box until you get what you want,
- once you have say for example AR's gold, thats when you want to end the game and start a new one going to round 11 so you can kill the mangler with you AR and get say your SMG headshot kills. 30 rounds on round 11 goes much quicker then you think.
- I got master prestege and from pretige 5-10 I played a grand total of 33 minutes of mp.
- if round 11 is a vermin round, save and quit and rejoin as many times as it takes to get the mangler spawn. once it spawn straight away when you load in, one spawns every round from there, I made this mastake and didnt know it and it was barely spawning. Vermin is the substitute for the mangler and it can spawn behind you.
- Afterlife was easy with everything but as you can imagine the melee was annoying. decoy decoy decoy.
- I used 3 melee's (Knife, Bat & drill) pluis i did the krig c & Saug. I did not do snipers.
- all of your augments will level up to max from doing this.
- armoured zombies are annoying. If you 1 shot them in the head, its not a headshot. there is work arounds for example, you could use something that isnt a 1 shot headshot and shoot its helmet off then kill it, just seemed like more effort to do this so I just took the L. Mainly seemed to happen with marksman rifles.
- you get 7500xp per nebula you unlock, save you double xp tokens for the game that you do that in.
- I made a spreadsheet on excell to help me keep track so i didnt need to leave the game. this was super helful and took about 5 mins to make inbetween rounds. (the one in the second photo)
- Legendary GS45 will one shot zombies on round 11 (2 shot armoured zombies) not sure about round 15.
- I saved doing all the wall buys for the end. not sure why but it seemed like the better way to do it.
- while I was getting nebula I was getting all my weapons, field upgrades, lethals, tacticals to mastery at the same time after i killed the elite.
- GS45 Hipfire kills MUST NOT BE PACKAPUNCHED. after i found this i stopped packing it for anything. you can kill elites with packapunch though.
- You need 30 parasite kills on the C9, AS VAL, ASG-89, LW3A1 Frostline & the Siren.
- You can't get the Krig, Saug or the Siren from box
This is all I can think of right now and I hope this helps! I wrote this under the assumption you have a basic understanding of what the directed mode grind is, if not just look up on youtube a guide on how to do it. I think most of this sort of thing is left out of the videos. This is all stuff i personally learned along my nebula journey.
If you have anything to add or questions I'd love to hear it!