LM's writings and some things I find interesting
LM is said to have a "hand-written" manifesto (Source) within his belongings upon arrest in Altoona. I find it interesting that if that is the case, his attorneys have allowed him to write so many letters to the public.
- This type of communication from an inmate to the public is unprecedented and not the norm, so it would not be strange for LM not to be responding to "fan" mail
- Wouldn't it be easy to match up the hand writing of the manifesto with that of the fan letters?
His attorneys even took it a step further and posted (interestingly) his own writing in the FAQ section referencing the mail log, v. the initial "typed" message from him on February 14th, thanking all his supporters. (Source)
Even if LM was able to "sneak out" a couple of letters in the beginning, KFA is certainly aware of it now and not stopping it.
What does all of this mean? Options:
- LM did not write the manifesto, therefore no way for them to match handwriting styles and the defense wants his handwriting samples out in the public for proof
- LM did write the manifesto, but they are confident it will be thrown out as evidence under unlawful search and seizure
- LM did write the manifesto and the defense is not going with a "he didn't do it" defense so it doesn't matter if the handwriting matches and they want to build as much public support as possible
- ???
If he did write it though, and they all know it will match the hand writing to the "fan" letters, why didn't he just not respond to any letters in the first place, unless number #3 is the case?