Blinks are LOSERS. AND that's why everyone hates them.
Like I don't mind somewhat fan behaviour from other fandoms, even if it's slightly obsessive, it's never that deep
Like Nicki Minaj fans might be crazy but at least they are funny as fuck
Ariana fans (use to be) hilarious too, especially their Stan twitter moments
Blinks have 0 charm as a fandom (if you get what i mean) watching any content produced by Blinks makes me lose braincells, how the fuck can a fandom be so boring
The thing with blinks is they aren't funny, cute or quirky. They are pathetic losers. And genuinely like some parasite, they cry about everything, claim everyone is copying their "unnies" and are genuinely braindead
I'm convinced most of them are 10 year olds or mentally challenged people
Because NOBODY with a functioning life with friends and hobbies is copying shit like "HoW dArE yOu CoPy mY uNnIe", on any other human who dares to wear the same shit as their bland faves.
They aren't even funny. At least some fandoms are hilarious, as weird as they are.
Blinks have 0 humour, and God forbid you mock their God's.
It's so fucking pathetic. And it's why nobody likes blinks.
Because they are losers. A lot of casual blackpink listeners don't want to call themselves blinks because it's embarrassing
Like I wonder what blackpink think about their pathetic fans (they probably don't care because they pay their bills)