Are you tried of hearing Trump bring up Biden?
I feel like Trump misses Biden more than Democrats to. Every interview he's in he talks about Biden like he's an ex Trump can't seem to get over.
Honestly i think it's because Trump knows that moving forward he can't pin the blame on anyone but himself
But what's crazy to me is that he continues to try to and maga just keeps believing it.
The stock market is in free fall
Trump who's playing redlight greenlight with tariffs: "👈 Sleepy Joe did it✋ it wasn't me👉 i never even knew what the stock market was ✋. Leave it to me I'm going to make best economy in the world👇🫲 Canada will be mine👋 tariff tariff tariffs will bring in billions and billions of dollars and other countries will pay for it because that's how tariffs work👈"
Like is anyone else tired of hearing him bring up Biden? Be a man and take responsibility for your own actions.