How can I avoid my no claims discount expiring after having my catalytic converter stolen?

Hi everyone, I was a victim of catalytic converter theft just under two years ago. I did not report the theft to my insurer at the time, as I had a high excess on the policy and the car was not worth much. I also had 9 years no claims discount (NCD) that I didn't want to lose. Instead, I cancelled the policy and declared the car SORN.

I cancelled the policy in November 2021, it was due to finish in March 2022 otherwise.

I'm aware that NCD expires if unused for 2 years. It would be a real shame if my No Claims Discount was taken from me, as well as my car!

The wording that my insurer uses is that "NCD is only valid if earned within the last 2 years". Given that I cancelled my policy midway through the last year, I know I technically did not earn any NCD that year. My question, therefore, is when does my NCD expire? Is it:

  • 2 years from the last complete year of insurance (Mar 23)? Or;
  • 2 years from when I cancelled my policy (Nov 23)?

I'm really hoping it's the latter, otherwise I've already lost my NCD.

On a slightly separate note. I also wanted to know whether I could restart the 2 year clock by insuring a car and cancelling the policy within the cooling off period? I'm fairly sure that I'll get a letter dated 2023 that states my 9 years NCD but I know that it won't have been earned within the last 2 years. Would that invalidate it?