For those who primarily blame American voters for the 2024 election, isn't that just an admission that American Democracy, as a concept, is completely dead in the water?

Let me clarify on this before people immediately start shooting back from the hip.

During the campaign, one of the consistent messages from liberals of all stripes was that they were fighting to preserve Democracy and that it's one of the most important things we have. If asked to elaborate, they'd give the usual high-minded Enlightenment pitch about representing the will of the people and protecting civil liberates and all that stuff.

But after the election, a lot of liberals have completely thrown those ideas out the window. If the results of the election are "the will of the people" then... well, the implication is that the will of the people is wrong and they shouldn't have that kind of voice in government. Democracy as a concept gets quickly abandoned, seemingly without even realizing it. If the voters are just ontologically stupid or malicious, then how can a system that relies on voters possibly work? It can't.

When confronted bluntly in this manner with their own implications, the usual move is to backtrack and blame systemic issues instead (gerrymandering, right-wing media, Blue-anon conspiracy theories if you're unlucky, etc.) but these sudden changes back and forth just leave the political ideology at play entirely incoherent.

There seems to be a complete confusion about- well, everything really. Whose to blame, to what extent, and, most of all, what is to do be done about it? I don't know for certain how much of it is a complete lack of consensus among the population and how much is individuals pivoting stances to whatever is easiest in that moment and never sincerely committing to those beliefs or considering the implications all the way through.

In short:

  • What group/system is primarily responsible for your loss? Or alternatively, who/what is commonly blamed that shouldn't be? And-
  • How will you and yours confront the group/system primarily responsible- how will you reclaim power from it and what is going to be sacrificed in that pursuit? For example: the democratic process in favor of coups or vanguard parties, egalitarianism in favor of writing off Trump supporters' civil rights, capitalism/liberalism in favor of moving left ideologically, the Democratic Party/its leadership in favor of a new party, etc.