Help! New to scale modelling
I have made a few starter kits and really enjoyed them. Started a hurricane (I know wrong colour!) and wanted to try a few techniques I have seen on YT. I wanted to try the gloss varnish, then enamel wash followed by floss varnish. The gloss varnish seems to have reacted with my paint when I brushed it on. Only in certain places. It was just a varnish I got at an art store. Has this ruined my model or can it be salvaged?
Many thanks
I have made a few starter kits and really enjoyed them. Started a hurricane (I know wrong colour!) and wanted to try a few techniques I have seen on YT. I wanted to try the gloss varnish, then enamel wash followed by floss varnish. The gloss varnish seems to have reacted with my paint when I brushed it on. Only in certain places. It was just a varnish I got at an art store. Has this ruined my model or can it be salvaged?
Many thanks