Saturn in the 8th House: Majority Themes

I saw an astrologer say recently that Saturn in the 8th struggles because of a lack of coordination and planning in the work they do and whenever it is time to craft a plan. This can lead to career difficulties since the 8th house aspects the 10th house. I saw that if they want to grow they have to take risks, big risks, risks that will impact their mental/sexual health. A path of less risks could fair poorly for them is what I’m seeing. They talked about how these natives should discuss ideas with friends, family, etc. thoroughly before taking big risk and accepting this helps them fix this. The astrologer also said that the native is blind to the real effort required, they work hard but miss key elements. “Having a vision isn’t the issue. A clear picture isn’t the issue. But the lack of coordination between their vision and effort is. They must put in the right effort, not just any effort.”

I found this take so interesting as someone who really struggles to understand the 8th house. Thoughts? I’ve never heard this viewpoint, only viewpoints related to intimacy, resources, death etc. the standard. Can someone break this down and help me understand what themes of Saturn and what themes of the 8th house lead to an interpretation like this?