AITA for Walking Out of Yoga Class After the Instructor Hit on My Daughter and Kissed Her?

My mom has been begging me to join her yoga class, so I agreed and brought my daughter (19F) along. From the moment we walked in, the instructor, let’s call him Chad (mid-40s, thinks he’s some sort of spiritual guru), zeroed in on my daughter. He kept complimenting her energy and asking her deep, awkward questions about her “soul connection.” My deaf grandmother (85F) saw what was happening and signed to me that she thought he was cute. Class starts, and my grandma, who has no idea what’s going on, starts doing her own random stretches in the back. Meanwhile, Chad keeps adjusting my daughter more than necessary, hands lingering way too long on her waist, whispering things like, “Relax, feel the flow.” She looked super uncomfortable, but he didn’t seem to notice.

Then, after the class ends, as everyone is packing up, Chad grabs my daughter by the shoulders and leans in for what I can only describe as a full-on kiss on the cheek. My daughter was frozen, absolutely stunned, and I lost it. I rushed over, grabbed her, and told Chad he needed to back off. He just stood there smirking, acting like he’d done nothing wrong. I stormed out with my daughter and told my mom that we were never coming back to that studio.

Now my mom is furious at me, saying I’m being too dramatic, and my grandma keeps signing, “He had good energy, you should’ve let it go.” AITA for pulling my daughter out? Because I feel like this went way beyond just a yoga class.

UPDATE: Thank you all for your support. This morning, I met the studio owner for the first time to discuss all of this. She apologized sincerely and admitted that Chad’s behavior had been excessively insistent, not only with my daughter but even with her on previous occasions(she seemed very young herself). She assured me that she finds his actions completely unacceptable and plans to fire him as soon as possible. I’m relieved that the issue is finally being taken seriously and will keep you updated.