Vyvanse experience

After 2 or 3 years of suggestions and telling myself I should go see a psychiatrist I finally made it past the once thought insurmountable wall and got my diagnosis. I started off with generic Ritalin which didn't do much until I hit 40mg. I got pushed to ER 50mg a few weeks later and it was good. It wasn't perfect but it did give me a kick to get up and get things done and generally be more engaged with work and classes and I also gained the insane ability to read more than 5 words without forgetting what I was reading AND listen to the instructor. Only issue was that it lasted 4-5 hours so I had to try to time it right.

I was going to get upped a smidge but my pharmacy didn't have it and they said wouldn't for a long time and I was asked by my psychiatrist if I wanted to try generic Vyvanse or find new pharmacy. Knowing me I would probably take until the sun explodes to make that phone call so I switched meds.

I'm on 50mg of generic Vyvanse now and the first day I didn't notice anything and so I spent what I thought was 30 minutes looking stuff up about the medication and when I stopped it was 4 hours later. It's more like it's there to hold your hand when you're doing a task as I can spend hours doing absolutely nothing productive if I'm doing it already when it kicks in but I have that wall again that I have to get over to do anything.

I've completely forgotten the purpose of this post at this point so uhhhhh do you think cereal is a soup or a stew?