What was your first 4K Blu Ray?
What was the 4K movie that finally got you to jump into the hobby?
For me it was two actually. On the same day I bought Into the Spider Verse and The Ten Commandments at Best Buy (RIP). I didn't even have a 4K player at the time but knew this was something I was ready to jump into.
Spider-Verse looked great but was already a film I was very familiar with. Ten Commandments, however, absolutely blew me away. Still one of my favorite transfers of all time, and I've been chasing that high ever since.
Apocalypse Now was a blind buy soon after, and I was once again in awe. I was so used to older films in cable/dvd/vhs quality that I wasn't aware what was possible for them. Now I'm neck deep in the hobby but never looking back.