Improved Earthbound/Mother 2 CIA via OldSNES

I wanted to play Earthbound on the 3DS and found this (and downloaded via the helpful comment) -> I want to get this CIA file but I need help : 3dspiracy ( But as I played I noticed that the save files do not work, and the game crashes when pressing the home button.

I have made a new one, for anyone to use, using the same method but with a different exporter (?) and help from a commenter in the linked video of the original Reddit post.

I made sure the save files work this time, both in-emulator and in-game with Dad's telephone :) I tried to get the banner to work, but it just didn't for me, sorry! It has no custom borders btw, and I frankly don't know how to work on that, but if you're dedicated enough I'm sure you'll find a way. Otherwise, everything seems to be a-okay and playable so far. Enjoy!