Thief/Warlock Multiclass
I’m making a new character for a campaign that’s only using 2024 materials. I rolled pretty solid for stats getting 18 14 14 12 10 8.
As the title suggests I want to make a Thief warlock multiclass build. I haven’t decided my species yet, but I’m leaning towards tiefling, human, or orc. We get custom origins so we don’t need to worry about backgrounds.
The main thing I want to know if what order should I be taking the classes in. We start at level 3 and I want to take at least one level in warlock before level 6.
Another thing is whether or not it’s worth taking a 2nd level in warlock, it slows down my sneak attack progression, but it doesn’t reduce it anymore than a 1 level dip does in the long term, plus I get more spell slots and invocations which could be worthwhile especially since I’d have to dip 2 for AB, outside of that I think pact of the chain is very good, armor of shadows and maybe pact of the tome or the extra origin feat one for more spells though I’m not sure, so any opinions would help.