War or Trickery Cleric for party of martials?

Both Goliath; Both starting with 15 STR/DEX, 16 CON, 17 WIS; Both taking War Caster at level 4

War likely to take heavy armor+martial weapons, Trickery likely to take Thaumaturge

Party: Conquest Paladin, World Tree Barbarian, Mercy Monk, Echo Knight Fighter

Trickery seems cool for the teleports and casting Spirit Guardians from the illusion's location, but War can take True Strike via Magic Initiate and Crusader's Mantle is fantastic for this party.

The War spell list stands out to me, and it seems to have a much better action economy. Trickery gets Pass Without Trace, but no team support from the subclass until the capstone.

I'm leaning towards War but Trickery is rated so well across the internet.